Warwick Words History Festival Service

Sunday 29 September
St Mary’s Church

Join us in the marvellous setting of St Mary’s Church – itself a living document of history in Warwick, the British Isles and Europe – for the Festival Service.

All welcome.

This service may be live-streamed or recorded for those who cannot attend church in person. The church must gain the consent of anyone whose image may be captured, as this constitutes collection of ‘personal data’. This includes the congregation. Whilst every attempt is made not to capture the faces of members of the congregation, this may occasionally happen if people move around the church during the service. The side aisles and the back third of the centre of the church are film-free areas not covered by our cameras. Anyone whose personal data is collected must give their consent. Consent forms are available at the church.



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History Festival at a Glance

Thursday 26 September